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Managing Happiness is a system, a framework, a way of living. Sounds dramatic, but it's actually pretty simple. It's applying business principles to your personal life.

With the aspiration of becoming the Toastmasters of personal development, Managing Happiness is a series of self-paced or cohort-based courses providing tools for self-mastery.

From understanding what drives us to applying tried-and-true methods for establishing an affirmative mindset and cultivating the right habits, Managing Happiness facilitates gaining purpose, focus and motivation to achieve whatever it is we all seek in life.

The courses include tools for goal formation, efficient planning and increased productivity, while the cohort experience establishes positive peer pressure, connection with others and the ever-so-vital element of accountability.

The aim of this program is to enable people to not only gain knowledge from the courses and engage in cohorts, but it is also geared towards encouraging participants to become certified coaches themselves to be able to share the tools and methods provided to an ever-growing community.

Meet the team

David Henzel



Event Director

Michael Dash

Corporate Partnerships

Leyla Ergil photo

Leyla Ergil

Head of Content

Ira Chopovska

Marketing Manager

Anja Jeftovic

Chief of Staff

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